Apr 15, 2015
In 1893 Yoga officially arrived in America. The messenger came from the East with a gift of Yoga that he presented at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. The messenger was Swami Vivekananda and the generosity and impact of his gift are still alive today. But years before he sparked a Yoga revolution, the […]
Mar 19, 2015
Healing is Not in the Pill or One Perfect Supplement Healing cannot be ordered, bought, ingested, downloaded or transplanted. Healing is more like a magic, a transformation and alchemy. More like love. Healing is not in the pill, the perfect supplement or in one balanced meal, Healing is closer to grace. To attain to grace, […]
Feb 23, 2015
Nourishment and nourishing the senses, nourishing the tissue, organs, skeleton and nerves – these are core competencies in Yoga and Ayurveda. But if we’re always detoxing, or dieting, or counting and limiting calories (or thinking we should) then we are not nourishing, we are depleting our bodies and brains. And if we eat junk food […]
Feb 11, 2015
In 2005, I moved to Hawaii, I believed I was moving to Paradise, to my first home with my beloved. In reflection, I can see it was the beginning of the end. Now, it feels like half way around the world to take a non-stop from New York City to Honolulu. Like flying to another […]
Feb 3, 2015
Start Your Day Right Abhyanga is a daily, total body self-massage. This Ayurvedic healing ritual is the foundation of beauty, youth, strength and tone as well as mental and physical calm. In Sanskrit, the source language for Yoga and Ayurveda, sneha means both oil and love. When we massage with a caring heart and hands, […]
Jan 19, 2015
Martin Luther King was a theological student when he first learned of Gandhi’s political action work based on the Yoga concepts of Universal Truth and Non-Violence. In 1950, King heard Howard University’s President speak of his visit to India and Gandhi’s work saying, “Christ showed us the way and Gandhi in India showed it could […]
Jan 5, 2015
In Yoga and Ayurveda we often seek a fixed or set experience of perfect health. As a newcomer to Ayurveda, we try to understand the 3 constitutional types, or Doshas, and may have the idea that “perfect” health is the “perfect” balancing of all 3 doshas. Not so. But don’t fret, even Wikipedia gets this […]
Dec 31, 2014
Dear Friends, Wishing a Happy New Year to Each and Every One of You. I am so grateful for your support and inspired by your dedication to wellness and your courage to make healthy, organic and inspired changes for you, your family and your community. 2014 and A Few of My Favorite Things I am […]
Dec 17, 2014
I have a yoga student who’s the last person on earth to practice yoga. He’s a big VP at a huge media conglomerate, his favorite vacation spot is Disney Land, and he and his family had never looked at organics, sustainable or natural. He’s definitely never read Jaws vs. The Grocery Store, my blog about […]