
Tag Archive for "neck pain"

Sep 15, 2014

Are You Experienced?

Location, location, location. Or what I might call synchronicity, plain damn good luck or the Grace of the Guru. So my neighbor, who lives downstairs with his wife and his dog, is an awesome guy. He is a mentor for individuals with spinal cord injury and works with the city, as well as other public […]

Mar 12, 2013

The Best Pain Relief – Safe and Natural Tutorial

Over-the-counter pills have terrible side effects. Always be safe and try a natural solution. Here is an easy, old fashioned, affordable, and reliable way to be pain-free. Buy once and this will last you a lifetime.Take good care of yourself. You deserve the very best. Yes, it really is this easy.

Mar 9, 2011

Relieve Aches, Pains and Stiffness with Oil Bath

Oil bath is a traditional, weekly Ayurvedic home remedy still practiced widely in South India. Sri K. Pattabhi Jois routinely recommends oil bath to his yoga students especially for the relief of back and knee pain as well as stiffness. Weekly oil bath reduces excess internal heat (pitta in Ayurvedic) particularly in the joints, liver, […]