
Tag Archive for "beauty"

Dec 31, 2014

2014 and A Few of My Favorite Things

Dear Friends, Wishing a Happy New Year to Each and Every One of You. I am so grateful for your support and inspired by your dedication to wellness and your courage to make healthy, organic and inspired changes for you, your family and your community. 2014 and A Few of My Favorite Things I am […]

Nov 10, 2014

Let’s Digest

I don’t ever suggest counting calories – dieting is so dumb, here’s my full rant on YouTube; but I do suggest understanding what they are. If we count them we might have an idea that we are counting things like fingers, or currency or pieces of chocolate. Calories are units of energy. When we eat […]

Oct 28, 2014

Jaws vs. The Grocery Store

Organic, Local, Seasonal, CSA – All Right Already Let me break it down. When we eat organic food, we eat food that’s grown without petroleum-based fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. Of course –cide at the end of the word means kill as in homicide or suicide: poison marked with skull and crossbones. Everything that falls on […]

Oct 6, 2014

Chasing Wellness and Yoga Tools to Heal

Yoga and Ayurveda accept that all is temporal, ever changing; that our mind, emotions, vigor, inspiration, desires shift and are continuously affected by the shifting universe and it’s seasons, times of day, atmosphere, the company we keep, press, politics, goals met and those unmet or even outmoded and inappropriate. Wellness then is illusive. But when […]

Sep 22, 2014

Yoga, Pregnancy, Birth and Motherhood

Many of you ask me about starting yoga as you plan for pregnancy, during pregnancy or post partum. Two of my yoga friends, who are both moms and yoga educators, have written a beautiful book to support and inspire motherhood. Yoga Sadhana for Mothers also shares personal stories from more than 20 yoga moms on […]

Aug 27, 2014

Far Flung

So we go to a yoga class and we take yoga. Or do yoga. Or practice yoga. Or some one wants to try yoga, so they want to take a class, or get to a class or do a class. Or they tried one class. The class is too far, or too early, or too […]

Aug 13, 2014

Feed Your Skin with Ceramide Rich Avocado

Here’s my newest article as Natural Beauty Expert at About.com. Feed Your Skin with Ceramide Rich Avocado We can thank the Aztecs for cultivating the Avocado. The Aztecs called their prized crop ahuacatl finding it similar in shape to the testicle, which shared the same name. The Spanish heard ahuacatl and said aguacate and the English heard […]

Aug 13, 2014

Sprouts – Foods That Heal

If you don’t love sprouts it’s probably because you’ve never grown your own and tasted how fresh, vibrant and clean they are. And if you think eating organic is expensive, it’s probably because you’ve never grown sprouts! After the initial investment of buying organic seeds, which last ages, you’re eating for pennies a day.  Sprouts are versatile […]

Mar 23, 2014

Lift Eyes and Cheeks with Ayurvedic Sculpting Scrub

Yes, we can reduce puffy eyes, face, neck and throat with our secret yoga herb. What I’m going to share with you today is a face scrub that’s going to tone and sculpt your face. We have 3 ingredients. Calamus. Calamus is an herb from India. It moves and drains lymph. A lot of the […]