
Aug 27, 2014

Far Flung

So we go to a yoga class and we take yoga. Or do yoga. Or practice yoga. Or some one wants to try yoga, so they want to take a class, or get to a class or do a class. Or they tried one class. The class is too far, or too early, or too expensive. Or there are so many classes, how to choose?

I hear this kind of talk about yoga all the time and it worries me. Where is the Yoga? It’s trapped in a class. And several hours a day, I am there with it. The class is holding Yoga hostage. And if people can’t come in, they can’t learn.

I wanted to get Yoga out of the class. To break free.
So I launched my YouTube Channel, Kiki Says.

I didn’t start the channel to share yoga positions but to share everything else, what I call lifestyle. I wanted to teach lifestyle: the choices, supports and insights that allow us to invite yoga out of the classroom, into our days and to transform us.

I started with a tongue cleaner and moved onto Triphala and TurmericDry Brushing and Abhyanga. As we add these to our day, our day changes to accommodate these additions, and these in turn support our change. Our days become uniquely and authentically our own as our minds reach to embrace new things. We enhance our capacity for change and begin to transform with continuous learning.
Which is my wish for each and every one of you.

Thank you Dear Community for your Big Hearted support,


Categories: anti-aging, beauty, Blog, coaching, great skin, happiness, health, Kiki Flynn, Kiki Says. Kiki Yoga, Kimberly Flynn, nutrition, yoga

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