
Tag Archive for "fatigue"

Nov 10, 2014

Let’s Digest

I don’t ever suggest counting calories – dieting is so dumb, here’s my full rant on YouTube; but I do suggest understanding what they are. If we count them we might have an idea that we are counting things like fingers, or currency or pieces of chocolate. Calories are units of energy. When we eat […]

Oct 13, 2014

All Day, Every Day

One of the questions I am most often asked, Kiki, can you tell me your exact routine from the moment you get up and what you do and eat throughout the day? Yes, I can. And I will. To answer that question and more I’ve begun writing a book, which many of you have also […]

Sep 22, 2014

Yoga, Pregnancy, Birth and Motherhood

Many of you ask me about starting yoga as you plan for pregnancy, during pregnancy or post partum. Two of my yoga friends, who are both moms and yoga educators, have written a beautiful book to support and inspire motherhood. Yoga Sadhana for Mothers also shares personal stories from more than 20 yoga moms on […]

Aug 13, 2014

Sprouts – Foods That Heal

If you don’t love sprouts it’s probably because you’ve never grown your own and tasted how fresh, vibrant and clean they are. And if you think eating organic is expensive, it’s probably because you’ve never grown sprouts! After the initial investment of buying organic seeds, which last ages, you’re eating for pennies a day.  Sprouts are versatile […]

Mar 23, 2014

Lift Eyes and Cheeks with Ayurvedic Sculpting Scrub

Yes, we can reduce puffy eyes, face, neck and throat with our secret yoga herb. What I’m going to share with you today is a face scrub that’s going to tone and sculpt your face. We have 3 ingredients. Calamus. Calamus is an herb from India. It moves and drains lymph. A lot of the […]